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 SWG House of Commons Dev Chat: 31.05.2007
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Posted - 23/05/2007 :  22:02:51  Show Profile  Send robiwan an ICQ Message Send robiwan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Odkaz: http://forums.station.sony.com/swg/posts/list.m?topic_id=338887

It's time once again for a Star Wars Galaxies House of Commons Dev Chat! Join us on Thursday, May 31st from 5-7pm Central Time as we discuss SWG's recently released Chapter 6, Star Wars and SWG Anniversary events, and much more!

Here's how to get involved!

When: Thursday, May 31st at 3:00 PM PDT / 5:00 PM CDT / 6:00 PM EDT / 10pm UTC/GMT.

Where: Log on to your trusty IRC program and log into the #StraticsHoC channel on Stratics IRC.

How: Joining is easy! Just connect through Stratics' handy Java client, which may be found right here. You must have Java installed on your computer to use this, which can be downloaded from the Java web site.

If you prefer the old fashioned way to connect to Stratics IRC, you can connect to the Stratics Chat servers through the use of your favorite IRC client, such as mIRC, ircle, xchat, or whichever you prefer.

Connect to irc.stratics.com port 6668 or whichever server is closest to you:

• stratics.frws.com port 6668, USA - Colorado
• irc.glowfish.de port 6668, EU - Germany
• stratics.afraidyet.net 6668, USA – Atlanta
• irc.gamers-irc.org 6667 6668 7000, USA - Colorado

How to ask questions at the chat:

1. Get your questions ready and join the chat.
2. When it's time for the chat, log in and wait for the event to start. Our fine Stratics hosts will begin the chat and then you can ask your questions.
3. Use IRC messaging to send your questions to the moderators. The moderators will choose questions based on the current topics (see the chat details).
4. Type /msg [QT]NICKNAME Your question here.

Please send questions only to the QT's (moderators) because questions sent to anyone other than the QT's will not make it into the lineup.

Don't miss out! We look forward to seeing you there.


Pozn. U nas by to malo byt o polnoci. Log z chatu sem pridam hned potom, ako bude vonku (:

I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time.
(Omnius Evermind)
Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)

Edited by - robiwan on 23/05/2007 22:23:16


1035 Posts

Posted - 01/06/2007 :  20:15:49  Show Profile  Send robiwan an ICQ Message Send robiwan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Odkaz: http://swg.stratics.com/content/?Cat=264&uid=919" target="_blank"> http://swg.stratics.com/content/?Cat=264&uid=919

Včera sa uskutočnil SWG House of Commons Chat s developermi SWG.

Stručné zhrnutie:

Beast Master:

- z "pharples" sa nedá získať DNA, pretože boli kvôli svojej veľkosti prehliadnuté, ale vzhľadom na ich popularitu a množstvo žiadostí sa to pravdepodobne zmení
- doplnok "K" bude upravený tak, aby ukazoval aj Blistmoka
- jedlo pre zvieratá (Pet Food) sa nebude dať vyrábať v továrňach (factory), a jeho výroba je úmyselne navrhnutá ako výlučne manuálna záležitosť
- spôsob zbierania DNA z hadov (rasps & snakes) a príslušné animácie sú stále problémom, a developeri sa ním zaoberajú
- budú pridané nové špeciálne schopnosti/útoky pre zvieratá
- štyri sloty pre špeciálne schopnosti/útoky na zvieracom paneli (Pet Toolbar) budú stále horným limitom, a ich počet sa nebude zvyšovať
- Luck pri zbere DNA a jej výslednej kvalite nehrá žiadnu úlohu, kvalitu DNA vylepšujú iba schopnosti z Beast Master Expertise
- v nasledujúcich týždňoch bude Class 1 Liquid Petrochemical zmenené na Generic Liquid Petrochemical, pretože ide o jedinú pomenovanú surovinu v celom BM systéme
- nie sú plánované zmeny v množstve surovín potrebných na výrobu zariadení pre zber DNA/enzýmov a inkubáciu zvierat
- zoznam zvierat a mutácií, ktoré bude možné vypestovať sa bude časom rozširovať


- moby a NPC s levelmi medzi 30-75 budú upravené a ich obtiažnosť bude znížená
- zmeny v obtiažnosti vysokolevelových a elitných mobov a NPC nie sú v pláne

Chapter 7:

- nový default "Looking for Group" chat kanál
- Imperiálny Theme Park
- heroickí mobovia vrátane úplne nového lootu
- kolekcie (collections)
- detailné informácie o Chapter 7 sa začnú zverejňovať po tom, ako budú opravené niektoré bugy a spravené hotfixy pre Chapter 6


- v nasledujúcich patchoch je v pláne obsiahla/komplexná revízia (comprehensive review) všetkých expertise
- niektoré povolania sa budú upravovať, ak to bude na základe revízie potrebné
- expertise pre špiónov (Spies) a bounty hunterov bude upravené tak, že bude obsahovať modifikátor, ktorý umožní za určitých podmienok obísť časť ochrany cieľa


- v nasledujúcich hotfixoch budú zmenené loot tables tak, aby zohľadňovali novú obtiažnosť
- loot bude mať zodpovedajúci level
- heroickí mobovia budú mať úplne nový loot
- plánuje sa návrat starého lootu (napr. nightsister armband), pričom stále hľadajú spôsob, ako by zostal vzácny

Mounti a vozidlá:

- zatiaľ nie je v pláne zrušenie automatického ukladania (autostore) mountov po zosadnutí
- problémy s pôvodnými mountami (napr. carrion spat a pod.) budú pravdepodobne riešené v niektorom z nasledujúcich hotfixov
- bojové vozidlá nie sú v pláne

Pôvodné zvieratá (Legacy Pets):

- pri pôvodných zvieratách (Legacy Pets) budú mať hráči stále na výber len dve alternatívy (vypchatie za účelom dekorácie v dome, alebo extrahovanie DNA za účelom inkubácie, pričom extrahovanie DNA vypchaté zviera vždy zničí) - nezničenie vypchatého zvieraťa po extrakcii DNA nie je v pláne
- problém s veľkosťou zvierat po ich vypchatí je stále riešený

Questy a content:

- plánujú sa zmeny v ostatných theme parkoch a questoch, ktoré doteraz neboli prepracované
- datadisk nie je v pláne
- teraz nie je v pláne posunutie časovej línie dopredu


- nové NPC a nové veci budú do Storyteller systému pridávané pravidelne
- staré Storyteller predmety (napr. Lottery Droid, Jukebox) budú postupne pridávané do nového Storyteller systému

Ostatné veci:

- respec NPC nebudú odstránené
- "credit spammers" nie sú prioritou

Log zo SWG House of Commons Chatu:

Vapor: Hello everyone. My name is David Jones and I am an Associate Producer with SOE.

DeadMeat: Hi...this is DeadMeat:. I'm the producer for SWG for SOE

Blixtev: Howdy Blixtev here, I am the Lead Designer for Star Wars Galaxies.

Loche: Hi all. I am Jesse Benjamin a SWG Designer

Shadowbrak: Good evening all. My name is Travis Hicks, Systems Designer for Beast Master abilities and the chapter 6 combat changes.

Brannoc: I have a question pertaining to beast master...why do generic beasts like pharples not have DNA sample? There is a high demand for it. Wouldn't it be easy for you to add it to the list?

Blixtev: We made a general pass over all our creatures when we decided which ones to put in. Pharples as it seems were left off the list, because they were so small we couldn't see them! Due to popular demand we can certainly look at a way to get their DNA into the hands of our Beast Masters.

Brannoc: Will the schematic for Supplement "K" be updated to show Blistmok?

Loche: Sure, I can add that.

Brannoc: Will there be more scaling down of Elite mobs in non-instanced areas to make CL90 characters able to take them on again without backup?

Shadowbrak: We are happy with the difficulty of the high end elite balance. Creatures in the 30-75 range are currently operating above their intended difficulty and will see some more adjustments.

Cindal: Is there any chance that Pet Foods will get a schematic so that they can be made in a factory?

Loche: No, those are designed to be hand made items.

ArkonPhoenix: Regarding legacy pets and pulling DNA from stuffed pets, any chance we can change it to a one time thing per stuffed pet and NOT destroy our beloved pet in the process?

Blixtev: Right now we want the Beast Master's to choose between making a "combat pet" or a "decoration pet". If we didn't the market would be quickly flooded with legacy pets as there is no reason not to make every legacy pet into a combat pet.

ArkonPhoenix: Can the Jedi Heal and Dot cure not only be made into separate abilities, but can the Heal line get swapped with the Mind Trick line, as Every Jedi needs to Heal, and right now dark template Jedi are out 4 expertise points because of this.

Shadowbrak: We are planning a comprehensive review of all expertise in the coming chapters.

Leafbacca: Will there be more combat NPCs added to storyteller in future updates? Some that would be useful are RSF, CorSec and Fed-Dub NPCs.

Neif: Yes, the great thing about storyteller is it's a very expandable feature. We'll be able to add additional NPC's and props periodically. Good suggestions, btw!

Cindal: Has there been any progress made towards reintroducing DNA sampling from Rasps & snakes?

Loche: As of yet no, the model and animations are still an issue. We are continuing to look at these.

Uninvisibleman: Also, what do you guys think about the PSG belt idea? Since a lot of us want our belts to be worn...why not give belts a PSG slot so we can put PSG's into our belts? The belts would have to be crafted, meanning 0 mods. For more info on this, there is a thread in Gameplay Discussion. What do yout hink about this?

Blixtev: Sounds like a neat idea, we are always looking towards ways to make our systems better. I would just like an art pass on some of the belts first =)

ableekertomorrow: 2nd: Are there any future plans to create an in-game chat channel to help with grouping? The forums are lacking the majority of players.

DeadMeat: Yes...We will add a LFG channel. This will come out before or as part of Chapter 7.

Rambochuck: Hello. I was wondering if there could be added xp to mission terminals as a reward in some way, or if you could remove the group xp nerf (or what ever you want to call it). New players are having a HARD time leveling, as is my 61 jedi. I like the new difficulty, but it is frustrating at times. Thanks!

Vapor: Hmm... this has just sparked some interesting discussions here... we will take this back and see what we come up with=)

Ligeha: Will you be removing the automount and autostore features?

Blixtev: Right now we are still very concerned about the potential griefing issues that could be caused by allowing mounts to roam freely in the world. We made the mount retain their size based on the fact they go away as soon as dismounted. If even a handful of players had mounts floating about, in addition to their beasts an area could quickly become congested.

Artjom: My question: Hi Dev! Can you release any information about the 7th chapter?

DeadMeat: Chapter 7 will be focused around the features we have mentioned. Heroic encounters, Imperial Theme Park, and the collection system. Once we have wrapped up C6 fixes and some other bugs we will give some more detailed info on the Chapter.

Drencor: Will new abilities be added or will "four" continue to be the limit of abilities a pet can learn?

Shadowbrak: We will continue to add special abilities for your beasts, though 4 active (with expertise) will remain the limit on the pet ability bar.

Drencor: Will the issues with previously callable mounts (i.e., Giant Carrion Spat) be addressed?

Loche: I am actively researching that issue. I hope to have a fix "soonish"

ableekertomorrow: 3rd: Are there any plans for new planetary content such as quest lines or fixed themeparks, or any expansions in the works?

DeadMeat: We are reworking the Imperial Theme Park in Chapter 7. We will look at the others that we have not revisited yet as well. Its all content we would like to refresh. We have no plan for an expansion at this time

OkieDokie: Does the luck mod have a factor when extracting DNA/Enzymes from creatures? does it have a role when using any of the BE tools?

Shadowbrak: The Beast Master expertise, DNA Harvesting and Genetic Engineering, will alter results on DNA harvesting and Hydrolyses extracting/processing. Luck will only come into play during the crafting of your tools.

Leafbacca: Speaking of "decoration pets", will there be a fix to the size so they look the way we remember them? Right now, my stuffed old giant sand beetle is tiny.

Loche: I am working with our programming lead to come up with a solution to this.

Artjom: Question about STORYTELLER: What has happened to all the old storyteller items? Lottery droid, Jukebox etc?

Blixtev: Fiasco is converting over as many of the old event items to the Storyteller system as possible. We wanted to put everything under one system rather than maintaining 2 separate systems.

ableekertomorrow:: as an aside to rambochuck's question; will encounters that now require grouping drop more consistent loot, or more loot in general to be distributed amongst group members?

DeadMeat: We will be releasing an update to the loot in the game in a hotfix soon to make sure the right level of rewards are there. The heroic Encounters will definitely have new high-end loot.

bindo: it was mentioned awhile back reintroducing the night sister armband, possibly even as a cube recipe. Will this ever happen?

Blixtev: This is always a sticky situation, is this item so desired because its so rare, and if we make it a common drop does the interest in it all of a sudden go away? I'm still looking at a good way to put this in the game and keep it extremely rare.

bindo: Any chance in the timeline being moved forward at all?

Vapor: Currently we are happy with the timeline between episodes IV and V and we do not have plans on moving the timeline any time soon.

Guest79701285: Do you all plan on making a pass on Jedi (and other profs of course) and possibly adding the same amount of intricacy you displayed in the creation of BM and even the creativeness of Commando's Kill Meter?

Neif: Now that all expertise is in, We're going to take a comprehensive look at it as a whole. We'll have a chance to drill down into the individual professions and do some necessary tweaking.

Tubeck: My question: Will the respec NPC ever be considered obsolete?

DeadMeat: We have no plans to remove the respec NPC.

Teege: Is there any chance of getting the Liqiud Petro Class 1 used in trya cahnged to generic liquid petro?

Obraik: It was reported from the recent summit that the Class 1 liquid Petrochem will possibly be changed to a genereic liquid petrochem for the Centrifuge Seperation Mixture. Is this going ahead?

Blixtev: Seeing as Class 1 is the only named resource required in Beast crafting we are definately looking to change it to the more generic kind. Should be coming out with a change to this in the next few weeks.

Artjom: Question: What is being done to credit-selling spammers on a 14 day trial spamming the starport entrances? And credit selling in general.

DeadMeat: We have a bunch of changes waiting to go to test that should really crimp credit spammers. It is really impossible to eliminate the farmers themselves from the game through game mechanics. We are always looking for new ways to eliminate this blight on our world.

dajwag: Side question about loot asked by ableekertomarrow- In this loot hotfix, will the loot tables be altered for the spy special Steal, and with any future revamp to spy, will there be any change with the steal abilty. I enjoy my spy toon purely for being a criminal, and was wondering if I can look forward to any changes to make crime pay a little better : )

Shadowbrak: Crime never pays.

ArkonPhoenix: BM is a great addition to the game, however the consumables are way too high priced, not only is inflation a problem, but the amount of resources required, along with its complexity, makes it an overly expensive process. Any plans on making the process more lax?

Blixtev: Right now with Traders ability to pull eleventy billion resources out of the ground per day we feel the resource amounts are right about where they should be. Right now with Beast demand very high the demand for resources is also very high. As the weeks go by this demand should go back a bit as most Beast Masters who craft will have their Incubators and Enzyme units made.

ArkonPhoenix: Are there any plans on making combat vehicles? Sure would be nice to use my AT-ST again one day, by way of actually mounting it and controlling it and it not be an RC Toy.

Loche: Not at this time.

Uninvisibleman: Many spies as a whole depend on ambush or snipe. Lately, many on the forums have been complaining all their ambushes/snipes have been missing, along with the following attacks (power attack, razor slash, spy's fang, etc.) As a whole on the spy forums, we are asking that ambush and snipe be 100% hit chance. What is your response to this problem/suggestion?

Shadowbrak: One of the planed improvements for the Spy expertise line, and to a lesser extent Bounty Hunters, is a modifier that will bypass a portion of your targets defenses under specific conditions. This will allow your alpha strikes to land with greater consistency.

gilderoy: hi devs will there be any addition of creatable pets in the future, or any new creatures in SWG?

Loche: Yes, we hope to expand our beast and creature list. The system is robust enough that we can add as many as we want, complete with mutations.

Brannoc: Ok folks, that's it for this one! We'd like to thank everyone for coming.

DeadMeat: I wanted to thank everyone for the great turnout at this Summit this past week. We had a few hundred folks (a lot of walk-ins) and some great questions. It was really great for me personally since this was my first, to meet some players and talk about a game that everyone seems to be enjoying more and more. Some great questions tonight as well by the way. Stay tuned for the Imperial Demolition event coming up. Should be a blast.

Vapor: Have a good evening, see you in game

Loche: Thanks for coming everyone, these were great questions. Hope to see you in game!

Neif: Agree, thanks for all who came out to the summit, and thanks for coming out tonight!

Shadowbrak: Thank you all for making it out tonight.

Blixtev: Thanks for coming out, hope to see you and your new Beast online!

I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time.
(Omnius Evermind)
Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)

Edited by - robiwan on 02/06/2007 10:10:40
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