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Posted - 20/04/2007 :  07:21:56  Show Profile  Send robiwan an ICQ Message Send robiwan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Odkaz: http://forums.station.sony.com/swg/posts/list.m?topic_id=307531

Včera o polnoci greenwichskeho času sa uskutočnil Stratics Chat s developermi na tému Chapter 6.

Stručné zhrnutie:

Všeobecné informácie:

- Chapter 6 bude na TC začiatkom budúceho týždňa.
- Chapter 6 gift bude nejaký dekoračný predmet do domu.
- Na tento rok nie sú plánované datadisky, len mnozstvo nových kapitol.
- Chapter 6 neobsahuje zmeny v klasických povolaniach.
- V súčasnosti sa pripravuje ďalšia sub-profesia - záhradník. V prípade, ak Beast Master a záhradník budú fungovať tak, ako majú, nie je vylúčené, že pribudnú ďalšie sub-profesie.
- Chapter 7 bude zameraná prevažne na high-end content. Chapter 6 bude tiež obsahovať niektoré nové high-end questové série.

Beast Mastery:

- Beast Master Expertise bude obsahovať dve hlavné vetvy - vytváranie/navrhovanie zvierat a bojový tréning zvierat
- V rámci Beast Master Expertise bude možné investovať všetkých 45 expertise bodov. Na získanie všetkých schopností z celého expertise stromu bude potrebné investovať všetkých 45 bodov.
- Beast Master expertise bude obsahovať schopnosť vychovať mounta. Vajcia mountov budú označené, a hráč ich bude môcť predávať iným hráčom.
- Zvieratá sa budú dať kedykoľvek premenovať cez radial menu. Súčasné zvieratá budú musieť byť konvertované späť na DNA a prejsť inkubačným procesom.
- Hráči budú môcť počas inkubácie vybrať zvieraťu farbu. Farba zvieraťa bude mať význam a bude určovať typ zvieraťa. Napr. ak bude mať zviera teplejšiu farbu, tak bude väčsí damage dealer
- Beast Master bude môcť vyberať schopnosti a vlastnosti pre svoje zviera z najmenej 21 možností.
- Ako dekoráciu bude možné použiť iba zvieratá, ktoré boli vyrobené alebo získané pred Chapter 6. Akékoľvek zviera vypestované v rámci nového Beast Mastery systému sa z vajca narodí ako hotové zviera.
- Na inkubačnom procese budú zainteresované viaceré traderské profesie. Finálnu konštrukciu inkubátorov bude zabezpečovať architekt. Inžinier bude vyrábať niektoré komponenty potrebné na výrobu inkubátora a weaponsmith bude vyrábať nástroj určený na extrakciu enzýmov potrebných pre pre inkubačný proces.
- Na výsledok inkubačného procesu (mutácie a staty zveiraťa) bude mať vplyv aj kvalita surovín a komponentov použitých na výrobu inkubátora.
- Neektoré zvieratá budú menšie ako ich vzory z divočiný. Účelom je ich efektívnejšií manažment.
- Zvieratá budú mať 100 action. Action sa bude rýchlo míňať, aj rýchlo dopĺňať.
- V súčasnosti sú problemy s tým, aby hráči mohli používať zvieratá v inštanciách. Developeri enzaručujú, že to bude možné hneď po release Chapter 6 na live servery.
- Z niektorých vzácnych zvierať nebude možné získavať vzorky DNA, ale niektoré z nich bude možné získať v procese mutácie. DNA nebude možné získavať napr. z lávových bĺch.
- Postupne budú v rámci Beast Mastery Expertise pre každé povolanie pridávané jedinečné vlastnosti (napr. zvieratá vytvorené medikom budú môcť mať iné vlastnosti a scopnosti, ako zvieratá vytvorené traderom). Všetky zvieracie vlastnosti nebudú zamerané výlučne na boj. Jednou z takýchto jedinečných vlastností je "Prasa na hľadanie hľuzoviek (prase pro hledání lanýžů po česky - truffle pig po anglicky).
- Niektoré jedinečné vlastnosti zvierat BM traderov by mali traderom pomáhať v tom, na čo su určení - na vyrábanie vecí.
- Zvieratá sa budú dať predávať len v štádiu vajca. Akonáhle sa vyliahnu, stanú sa No-Trade.
- Zviera, ktoré zomrie, bude možné oživiť. Mŕtve zviera ostane ležať na zemi až dovtedy, kým si jeho majiteľ nenájde čas a neoživí ho. Zviera bude môcť oživiť výlučne jeho majiteľ. Beast Mastery nebude obsahovať permanentú smrť zvierat.
- Úroveň, level a vlastnosti zvieraťa budú vžy a za každých okolnosti závisieť od investovaných expertise bodov. Pikiaľ hráč resetuje svoje Expertise, a body z Beast Mastery stromu investuje inak, bude to mať okamžitý efekt na zviera. Level zvieraťa sa primerane zníži a zviera stratí schopnosti získané vďaka strateným schopnostiam z Expertise.
- Kríženie DNA nebude teraz možné.
- Zbieranie vzoriek DNA bude možné aj so zvierat, ktoré majú vyšší level ako hráč. Camo kits nebudú vrátené do hry.

Pre-BM zvieratá:

- Zvieratá sa budú dať kedykoľvek premenovať cez radial menu. Súčasné zvieratá budú musieť byť konvertované späť na DNA a prejsť inkubačným procesom.
- Pôvodné zvieracie BE deeds budú pravdepodobne fungovať na rovnakom princípe ako staré zvieratá zmenené na dekoračné predmety.
- Pôvodné zvieratá v datapadoch nebudú odstránené, ale bez konverzie ich nebude možné ďalej používať.
- V prípade konverzie pôvodných zvierat na DNA sa do nového systému neprenesú ich pôvodné špeciálne vlastnosti.


- Do hry bude pridaný Storyteller, ktorý hráčom umožní organizovať eventy s novými NPC, mobami, vecami a efektmi. Hráč bude môcť sám určiť level, meno a loot eventových NPC (napr. hig-level TUskeni).
- Storyteller bude môcť do hry pridávať aj nové kulisy, ako napr. havarované transporty, lode (YT-1300, 2400 a pod.), záchranné moduly, podracery a pod.
- Storyteller bude môcť umiestňovať vnútri budov predmety, ktoré sa obvykle nachádzajú len vonku.
- Storyteller bude môcť spawnovať moby, NPC a umiestňovať kulisy len v divočine alebo v mestách, kde má právo umiestňovať budovy, t.j. hocikde, kde si môže postaviť dom.
- Zoznam predmetov pre eventy bude postupne rozširovaný.
- Storyteller systém nebude založený na expertise ani osobitných vlastnostiach. Bude podobný súčasnému systému eventov, a každý, kto si kúpi príslušný token, bude môcť usporiadať vlastný event s príbehom.
- Loot eventových NPC bude Storyteller dávať zo svojho vlastného inventára. Nepôjde o loot generovaný len pre účel eventu.
- Aby sa zabránilo exploitovaniu nového Storyteller systému, eventové NPC a moby nebudú dávať XP a nebude z nich padať iný loot, ako pridaný Storytellerom.
- Pravidlá pre usporiadavanie eventov budú uvoľnené, a pravdepodobne bude možné usporiadať viacero eventov popri/po sebe.
- Storyteller nebude môcť vytvárať nové dungeony.

House Purge:

- House Purge bude jednorazový event, pričom nie je vylúčené, že sa bude v budúcnosti opakovať. Podoba každého House Purge môže byť iná.


<Vapor> Hello everyone, my name is David and I am an Associate Producer on Galaxies.

<SOE-Shadowbrak> Good evening all. My name is Travis Hicks; I am a system designer working on the Beast Master system for chapter 6.

<Neif> Hey guys, this is Tim from LucasArts, aka Neif

<Tunso> Hello again everyone, this is Mark Halash. I’m a Game Designer on SWG. This publish I’ve been working on the Expertise portion of the new Beast Mastery system.

<SOE-Loche> Hi everyone! I am Jesse Benjamin (Loche), a game designer.

<DeadMeat> I don't have a real name

<Brekkee> *Acera* when is ch 6 coming out?

<DeadMeat> Should be hitting the test center early next week.

<Brekkee> *Starbuck1771* what will the chapter gift be?

<Neif> Hey Starbuck, we don't to give it all away yet, but I'll say this: It's a housing decoration with a twist, something new.

<Brekkee> *[Naritus]Aedales* It was said on the forums the Beastmaster will be something everyone has but needs to spend Expertise on. Is this true and if so do we have to use our current expertise or do we get a couple of more points to add?

<Tunso> Beast Mastery will require a significant portion of your expertise points in order to get the most out of it. There’s two main branches, one for creating and engineering pets and another that deals solely with pet combat.

<Tunso> The entire tree will take up all 45 of your current expertise points. However, if you only go down on side of the tree you will have some points left over to buy expertise in other areas of your class.

<Brekkee> *stiba* a question id like put forward please: The past year we've seen alot of changes within SWG but so little content,are we to see any expansions coming our way this year?

<LECjneri> No expansions are planned for this year, but plenty of chapters are stiba

<Brekkee> *Kye* How will mounts be handled in the new system?

<SOE-Loche> You will take the expertise to train mounts; you then mark an egg as a mount. You then sell that egg to other players if you wish.

<Brekkee> *Shadaw* How long is the hatching process?

<SOE-Shadowbrak> *Zeta* You can rename your pet at any time via a radial menu option. A pet that your currently have will need to be converted to DNA and taken through the Incubation process.

<Brekkee> *Jiwarri* Will we be able to chose the color of the pet, like bio-engineers under the old system could?

<SOE-Loche> Yes, you can color your pet during incubation.

<Brekkee> *DalakG* what will story teller actually do?

<SOE-Shadowbrak> *DalakG* Storyteller is an enhancement on our player event perks. Through this system you can place NPC’s with storyteller determined levels, names and loot items, various props and even special particle effects.

<Brekkee> *Fariq_Asaka* Is the Rebel Themepark still scheduled for 6 and what info can you give us about it?

<SOE-Loche> Oh and on the color, your pets color will have significance

<Blixtev> Still on track for an updated Rebel themepark, hopefully y'all will enjoy the new quest content! No details beyond play it out.

<Brekkee> *Kye* What type of pet specials can we look forward to?

<SOE-Shadowbrak> *Kye* Standard damage and defensive abilities with a few more utility ones such as chasing down an opponent and even intercepting attacks meant for the master. Currently there are 21 abilities ready to go with more being added.

<Pex> Most of the items from the Event Perks will reappear, but we are adding some cool new props such as a crashed transport (really crashed, not just psarking), destroyed podracer, escape pod, etc We are putting in a number of spawnable MOBs of various flavors that you will be able to set the CL. This means you should be able to spawn high-level Tuskens and other MOBS.

<Brekkee> *Joakizmo* Will we be able to drop one of the new pets in the house like decoration? Or will they go straight to the datapad as soon as we hatch the egg?

<SOE-Loche> *Joakizmo* No, only pets from pre chapter 6 can be made into decoration. All new beasts go strait from egg to beast.

<Brekkee> *Jeram* What professions will make the incubators, I know Structures is final, anyone else needed?

<Blixtev> Structures does the final construction of the incubator however most of the sub components for incubators come from Engineering. There is also an additional 12 items scattered out for refining the Hydrolases enzymes with the final combine for the extraction tool being a Weaponsmith combine.

<Brekkee> *[Kettemoor]-Mathayus* Are there any plans to increase the expertise points as more expertise is added? This would be a good way to head back towards the old sandbox playstyle, guys...

<Brekkee> *Starbuck1771* why did you allow rancors as pets again after say there would be a pet size limit?

<SOE-Loche> *Starbuck1771* We shrunk the oversized pets down to a more manageable size. Our “beast” rancors will be smaller than their wild counterparts.

<Brekkee> *telexx* Greetings. I was wonder if this Beast Master profession will be comparable to the first CH that was pre-CU, or the revamped one you released before removing it. I really hope it's the original version. Thanks for bringing it back regardless...

<Blixtev> The Beast Master system would beat up and take the lunch money away from the old CH system no matter what era the CH system. The team has done a steallar job creating one of the most in depth systems I've seen in an MMO. Just wait until you see it in action.

<Blixtev> Im excited about it as you can tell =)

<Brekkee> *Aiviak* Are incubators going to be made different qualities based on resources used, similar to crafting stations? Or will these items all be the same quality. Also, if quality does matter, what will it effect in the outcome of a pet?

<SOE-Loche> *Aiviak* Yes, your resources and components will play a big role in your incubators quality. It will effect the stats and mutation probability.

<Brekkee> *Metar* Will the action costs for abilities that use a percent based continue to use the total amount of action or will they be changed to use unmodified action like it was stated they should a while ago?

<SOE-Shadowbrak> *Metar* Beasts have 100 action and the cost of beast abilities are scaled appropriately. The concept is quick drain and quick regeneration.

<Brekkee> *vimes* hi all any chance we can get a confermation onbeing able to pull pets in instances (ie vette hk SK ect)

<Teesquared> Currently there are some issues with pets in instances. We are working hard on getting these issues resolved but we cannot guarantee it will make it in Chapter 6.

<Brekkee> *vaygirl* Will there be many creatures that do not yeild DNA? For instance, Krayt Dragons and Kimo's... will they be able to be sampled?

<Blixtev> There are many of the "cooler" "rarer" creatures that we have made so they can't be sampled but some of them can be earned through mutations in the incubation process. Try and discover all the mutations! I like exclamation points as you can tell!

<Brekkee> *Jiwarri* Will "your mount slows down to prepare for combat" be removed? It's a relic from the time we could actually fight from our mounts and serves no purpose now.

<LECjneri> That’s a bug and I will see if it’s in the database. If its not there, we will add it.

<Brekkee> *[Sunrunner]Askikaga* Will Lava Flease Obtained From extracting DNA from them be able to go through lava like the ones obtained as a reward?

<SOE-Loche> *[Sunrunner]Askikaga* Lava Fleas are not currently harvestable.

<Brekkee> *Knai_Bria* What new event perks will there be coming with the new story teller feature?

<Pex> The big addition to Storyteller is the ability to spawn attackable mobs and trigger one-time particle effects. You will also be able to move objects in the world similar to inside a house. As for new objects, the aforementioned crashed transport will be available as will the YT-1300, 2400 and more.. We will be adding more items over time.

<Brekkee> *Izz* Will any significant updates be made to any other professions on chapter 6?

<LECjneri> There are no other profession changes in 6 outside of Beastmaster, but just wait till you get a chance to play it. As Blix said it really rocks and all players can check it out, the expertise is available for everyone.

<Brekkee> *{Ket}Noise* Will pets currently in deed form act the same as those currently in the datapad?

<SOE-Loche> *{Ket}Noise* We intend to have the old BE deeds function exactly the same as the old pets converted into a decoration item

<Brekkee> *[Bloodfin]Ledford* We havn't heard much about Story Teller, we can we plan on hearing something about it?

<DeadMeat> We will be having a Friday Feature on Story Teller soon. Suffice it to say that it is a very flexible system for creating cool stories. Most things are world builders can do, you will be able to do.

<Brekkee> *Cindal* Must existing pets in the datapad be removed? and if so how soon after C6 hits?

<SOE-Loche> *Cindal* No, you don’t have to convert them. But if you don’t, you cannot play with them in the new system. They will just stay in your datapad.

<Brekkee> *Iny* With the options for beastmaster be different with the different Proffesion. Will the Entertainer and Trader ents be different from normal combat proffessions?

<Blixtev> Our plan is over time to add different abilities for the different Professions, so a Medic may have a unique special to train Beasts vs a Trader. Not all our abilities will be combat based either. Our current favorite non combat ability is 'Truffle Pig' , I'm sure you all can't wait to find out what it does...

<Brekkee> *[Kettemoor]-Mathayus* How is the Story Teller being classified, expertise, or just abilities?

<Pex> Storyteller is technically item based. Anyone will be able to use Storyteller items. Tokens will be purchased in a similar fashion to the Event Perks. Expertise will not be needed, nor will abilities be put towards this system. We want roleplayers and combat-oriented players to have the ability to set up their own events.

<Brekkee> *Jeram* Will mounts be tradeable?

<SOE-Loche> *Jeram* yes, in egg form. Once hatched, the mount is no longer trade-able.

<Brekkee> *{Ket}Noise* With the new "sub-class" of Beast Master will we see additional sub-classes like this in the future?

<DeadMeat> I certainly hope Noise...We have Gardener on our list down the road as something we would like to try. There are a ton of opportunities there, and if Beast Master works as well as we hope, I can imagine others being proposed

<Brekkee> *[naritus]pal* Are the pets perma-death or will they be like current pets and when they die they just say in world and get up or like droids and once they die they get packed up

<Tunso> We’d like you to become attached to your beasts so obviously we wouldn’t want to inflict perma-death on them. Anybody that is able to control a beast will be able also be able to revive it should it be more or less killed.

<Tunso> Mechanically speaking though, when your pet dies it will stay a corpse until you take the time to revive it. And only the owner is able to revive it.

<Brekkee> *[naritus]cerian* once a pet is fully trained will a player still need to have expertise points in beastmaster

<Blixtev> The power level of the Beast is always relevant to the expertise of the Master. So if you remove your expertise boxes from Beast Master your pets power level will shrink as well. Yes we thought ahead and knew people would try and game the system by leveling the Beasts and returning back to their old profession with ultimate beast power =)

<Brekkee> *Cindal* Will specials in existing pets (like disease, dizzy, ranged attack) tranfer with the DNA?

<SOE-Shadowbrak> *Cindal* Abilities from the existing system, even if they have a counterpart in the new system, will not carry over.

<Brekkee> *{Ket}Noise* ooooh colors will affect pets? Kind of like color crystals?

<SOE-Loche> *{Ket}Noise* Kind of. The color Hue of your beast will be an indicator towards what type of pet they are. For instance, a warm colored pet was grown to be a more damage-dealing type. The Friday Feature going out tomorrow will explain more about this.

<Brekkee> *pirate101* The Housing Purge that will take place on June 5th, is that like a 1 time event like restuss or will it be ongoing to prevent dead structures on servers?

<DeadMeat> We will continue with purges in the future, but it is not a continuous running process and it may not always involve the type of event (the bombers and all) that we are doing for this first one.

<Brekkee> *Guest64* What player dropped Npcs and loot can we expect to see with the storyteller additions?

<Pex> We don't want Storyteller to be a system that people exploit.. MOBs are meant to be fun combat encounters and not as a way to grind levels.

<Pex> You can add an item from your inventory to a Storyteller MOB, but normally they will not provide XP or loot. If they did you would just grab tokens and gank mobs in front of your PA hall.

<Brekkee> *Duragoth* Will the "Storyteller" event perks be stackible? (or rather to say, will we beable to place one event on top of the other, or will they have to be placed next to eachother like the current event perks)

<Pex> The placement restrictions on Storyteller have been loosened up significantly. We do have to check against you losing an item inside another item.

<Pex> Overall, setting up objects should be much easier and similar to placing items in a house.

<Brekkee> *Rieka* Ok Cross breading, insted of just one strand of DNA being able to but 2 or more in (only if they are compatable together) to make even rarer and more unuige creatures?

<SOE-Loche> *Rieka* Cross breading is not planned at this time.

<Brekkee> *heightchKETTEMOORDARK* will there be a balance pass on commandos in chapter 6?

<DeadMeat> We have been looking at all of the professions since adding the expertise. We have a number of plans here, but will not do them immediately with Chapter 6. It is best to limit the number of changes you make to a system like this, and we want the focus right now on Beast Master.

<Brekkee> *pirate101* Recently, we were given a poll for pve content with majority wanting highend pve ground content, when will we see come new pve content placed into the game eg. new planet, new high end quests etc

<Neif> High end PvE content is definitely something we'll be going for in Chapter 7. As far as next Chapter 6, we're adding a high-end quest series you'll like.

<Brekkee> *jedicowboy* will we get a incubator thats low stats to start with?

<Blixtev> I'm am sure every server will have a plethora of Structure Traders willing to get you as many incubators as you want to purchase =)

<Brekkee> *Fariq_Asaka* Any hints as to what you have in store for Chapter 7

<DeadMeat> Chapter 7 will reflect what we heard in our polling for sure. In fact I can say that it...ahhh...<gurgle>...<DeadMeat is killed>

<Brekkee> *Teege* Will there be a revamp to current wild creature levels? ie.. Will rancors be scary again?

<SOE-Shadowbrak> *Teege* The goal is for a creature to be “scary” for their appropriate challenge level, and not only be somewhat of a challenge when leveled to 90. There are a number of changes in the works that will hopefully make those level 50 Rancor be mighty scary to Level 50 players.

<Brekkee> *Anon686* How will level 90 crafter fair if he takes up the full beast master line?

<Blixtev> A full Trader will do okay in combat if he has full Beast Master Expertise if they get the sudden urge while crafting to run outside and blast something. For the most part their custom abilities for Beasts will be tailored towards helping them do what they do best, craft things.

<Brekkee> *Rubix3* As far as sampling creatures, with those whose combat lvls are above yours, will there be the reintro of camo kits so you can indeed get the DNA?

<SOE-Loche> *Rubix3* You will be able to sample creatures higher level than you. We are not, currently, reintroducing camo kits.

<Brekkee> *avamie* will the story teller be ableto create dungeons to run through? if not, where will they be able to spawn mobs?

<Pex> We do not currently have dungeons or bunkers planned for storyteller. The Storyteller MOBs can be spawned in the wild and in areas where you have zoning rights. Basically, anywhere you can place a house.

<Brekkee> That will wrap it up for tonight. I’d like to thank the folks from Star Wars Galaxies for coming! The log for tonight’s chat will be up shortly on http://swg.stratics.com. Thank you all for joining us! You can join #starwars to chat more about the game.

edit: iba opravy nejakych do oci bijucich gramatickych chyb

I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time.
(Omnius Evermind)
Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)

Edited by - robiwan on 20/04/2007 13:47:47

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Posted - 20/04/2007 :  10:44:36  Show Profile  Send Kravka an ICQ Message Send Kravka a Private Message  Reply with Quote
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Posted - 20/04/2007 :  14:53:23  Show Profile Send WereHamster a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Juj, ten storyteller systém bude zajímavý. Akorát nevím, jak bude moci storyteller zabránit kokotům kazit jejich akce.
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