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4364 Posts

Posted - 07/07/2005 :  13:44:33  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote

pokud jsem na nekoho zapomnel, nebo spatne uvedl frakci/guildu, ozvete se
pokud ma nekdo vice postav a kazdou v jine frakci/guilde, tak je davam k sobe a zaradim do frakce/guildy dle uvazeni

Bohemian Mercenaries
enni & esmeralda
erdysk & erd & evka
jorssk & jorsskina & bly (IHC)
jerzee & yerzee
girossczr & madrigal
khaot & kamlin
koudy & gabinka (neutral) & marthy (moucha)
lucka & ogiep
niresan & hergoth & violencia (neutral)
pave'l & pattt
snoex & snoexie

elor (& patas - starosta Bohemie & gizmac - oba BoH)
gilt & aureol (DJO)
mortifer & areas (DJO)
ocogak & sim'ca
werehammie & hammie

dalsi imperialove
carmax (SK)
heru' (NEI)
lygie (SK) & wlk & cheeeewieee
wanargi (IMPS)

nezarazeni ?

baretwan & lagen

dalsi rebelove
okhechookwoo & bambelo (SHADE)

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>

Edited by - JerzeeG on 10/10/2005 22:29:03



4364 Posts

Posted - 07/07/2005 :  13:54:19  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Auto Attack:
* ctrl+click special to select an attack
* once in combat that attack should cycle after you use it once

Auto Assist in Combat:
* Target a group member who is currently engaged in combat
* fire a special - it will hit your targeted group members target

Phases of action in an attack
* Queued - Yellow outline around action in toolbar.
* warm-up - yellow status bar below the toolbar, filling from left to right. Does not exist in all attacks. This is the phase that is supposed to be interruptable.
* Cool-down - White outline around action in toolbar. No other actions can be executed.
* Recovery - Icon in toolbar is blacked out, refills with color from the bottom to the top. Other actions can be executed.
* Recovery and cooldown are instantaneous if the attack failed due to LOS/range/invalid target/etc.

Considering NPCs and Creatures: (BELIEVE IT THIS TIME)
* Colors:
o Grey - Too low - Minimal experience , not worth fighting
o Green - A small amount of experience, will definitely be an easy fight
o Light Blue - A small amount of experience, should be an easy fight, could be trouble if there are more than 1 or 2 opponents.
o Blue - Ideal target, decent experience 1 on 1, but could be tough if there are 2 or more opponents.
o White - Even Target 1 on 1; good fight.
o Yellow - Dangerous fight; stronger than you, but you might win. Good luck!
o Orange - Very dangerous fight. Unlikely you will beat this opponent
o Red - This opponent will easily smite you.
o Purple - Certain death.
* Target Icons:
o Pointing Up - Higher con than you
o Circle - Even con
o Pointing Down - Lower con than you

DPS in the examine window:
* The DPS listed in any of the weapon descriptions is just an estimate of the raw average damage divided by the weapon speed.
* The final DPS output of any player will be determined by a much wider variety of factors such as special move multipliers, accuracy & skill mods, etc, etc.
* The actual damage being done will also be modified by the skill mods and armor ratings of the opponent.

Range Modifiers:
* Since we no longer have min/mid/max range bonuses (because we no longer have min/mid/max range accuracy differences), we moved to one "general accuracy" value.
* The "Accuracy" on a weapon should stack with your other accuracy modifiers (from skill mods, etc).
* You will also notice we got rid of the "mid distance" stat all together. Weapons now only have min/max distances.

How does accuracy work in the new system?
* Accuracy does two things:
o Determines probability of hitting the target.
o If your accuracy is greater than defensive skills of your target, you do additional damage.
* Level difference between the player and the target also has an effect on hitting and damage done.

Weapon Speed (nevim jiste jestli to plati pro vsecky povolani, nasel jsem to u riflemana)

the following is very rough

0->25 speed -- 2s -> 1.7s (-15%, -.6%/speed )
25->50 speed -- 1.7s -> 1.5s (-25%, -.4%/speed)
50->75 speed -- 1.5s -> 1.35s (-32.5%, -.3%/speed)
75->100 speed -- 1.35s -> 1.25s (-37.5%, -.2%/speed)
100->125 speed -- 1.25s -> 1.2s (-40%, -.1%/speed)
(this means that a +25 speed tape adds approximately 4% to your over all speed)

Warmups and cool downs also effect total speed and weapon speed does as well
Basically the new formula is well complex and this chart simplifies it. It is not entirely accurate and should be used only as a basic guide line.

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>

Edited by - JerzeeG on 07/07/2005 14:11:51
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4364 Posts

Posted - 07/07/2005 :  13:59:56  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote


Professions: Bounty Hunter, Commando, Squad Leader
Bonus: +1000 Kinetic
Penalty: -1000 Energy
Appearances: Chitin, Composite, Ithorian Sentinel, Kashyyykian Hunting, Imperial Shock Trooper, Rebel Factional

Professions: Carbineer, Combat Medic, Creature Handler, Doctor, Fencer, Pikeman, Ranger, Swordsman
No Bonus or Penalty
Appearances: Bone, Marauder, Padded, Ithorian Defender, Kashyyykian Black Mountain, R.I.S. (quest), Imperial Stormtrooper, Rebel Factional

Professions: BioEngineer*, Pistoleer, Rifleman, Smuggler
Bonus: +1000 Energy
Penalty: -1000 Kinetic
Appearances: Mabari, Tantel, Ubese, Ithorian Guardian, Kashyyykian Ceremonial, Imperial Scout Trooper, Rebel Factional

armory lze pomoci layeru upravit, ale zvysuji VELMI VYRAZNE cenu armoru
toto jsou maximalni mozne hodnoty armoru pred slicem (kinetic / energy / ACEH):

assault armor
bez layeru - 7000 / 5000 / 6000
kinetic layer - 8200 / 3800 / 6000
energy layer - 5800 / 6200 / 6000
primus layer - 7600 / 5600 / 5400

battle armor
bez layeru - 6000 / 6000 / 6000
kinetic layer - 7200 / 4800 / 6000
energy layer - 4800 / 7200 / 6000
primus layer - 6600 / 6600 / 5400

recon armor
bez layeru - 5000 / 7000 / 6000
kinetic layer - 6200 / 5800 / 6000
energy layer - 3800 / 8200 / 6000
primus layer - 5600 / 7600 / 5400

Armor Stats = Resistance

1000 = 10.5%
2000 = 20.0%
3000 = 28.5%
4000 = 36.0%
5000 = 42.5%
6000 = 48.0%
7000 = 52.5%
8000 = 56.0%
9000 = 58.5%
10000 = 60%

What the heck do these numbers mean?
The four-digit number on your armor is technically the independent variable in a quadratic equation for percentile resists mapping the domain [0, 10000] onto the image [0, 60]. In layman's terms, that means that the armor rating signifies a percentile resist (as in the old system) ranging from 0 to 60%. Because the equation is concave quadratic, you get diminishing returns for higher resists.
The actual function is: 60 * (AR/10000) + { [ (10000 - AR) / 10000 ] * (AR/200) }
Which reduces to: 0.011 * AR - 5E-7 * AR * AR

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>
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4364 Posts

Posted - 07/07/2005 :  14:01:16  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote


rozhodne posilily..
(vyrabi smugler, vetev spices, pred CU stacily na vyrobu shit suroviny a rekl bych ze to zustava = v tuhle chvili zajimavy zpusob jak si neco vydelat)
(takhle to bylo pred CU - http://www.swgcraft.net/smugglerbuffs.php -dokud tu stranku nesmaznou )

a takhle toje ted - pozor, uz nejde uzit vice druhu najednou, jen jednu drogu v jeden cas:

Booster Blue************15 min.***** +20% health / -20% H reg. / +20% A reg. / +20% M reg.
Crash n' Burn
Grey Gabaki
Muon Gold*************15 min.***** +20% health / +20% H reg. / -20% A reg. / +20% M reg.
Neutron Pixie***********15 min.***** +20% health / +20% H reg. / +20% A reg. / -20% M reg.
Sedative H4b
Thruster Head
Zypolene Droid Lubricant

POZOR: po uplynuti effectu je 30 sec. opacny efect a postava "bleje"


1) Jidlo stackuje, takze lze uzit nekolik ruznych jidel ve stejnou dobu a nasobit efekty. Nelze ale pouzit dvakrat stejny druh najednou.
2) Neni zadne unikatni jidlo, je nutne mit nekolik ruznych jidel pri sobe k dosazeni maximalniho efektu.
3)Dobra zprava: Doba traveni je nyni jen 30 minut misto puvodnich 45 minut pred CU. Takze dostat 10 minutovy buff z jidla, co ma filling 50, je stale pouzitelne, protoze vytravi za 15 minut.

nyni jsou jidla dobre vybalancovana:
bud dostanes dlouhy (40 minut), s nizkym fillem (okolo 10), ale maly (<200) buff
nebo kratky (10 minut), s vysokym fillem (50+), ale silny (400) buff

takze nejlepsi rada je pouzit oba dva typy - mit zakladni buff po celou dobu (fill 16 na 40 minut, stravis to pred vyprsenim efektu) a tesne pred bojem (pvp) si vzit silnejsi buff.

My best bet:

Teltier Noodles: +70 health +100 Action Regeneration / fill 17 / 44 minutes 24 seconds
Blob Candy: +173 Action Regeneration / fill 11 / 45 min. 36 sec.
Spiced Tea: +160 mind Reneration / fill 8 / 40 min. (for medic related Professions)

Kiwik Clusio Swirl : +302 health +200 Action regeneration +50 mind regeneration / fill 39 / 12 min. 45 sec.
Breath of Heaven: +423 health +200 health regeneration +200 Action regeneration +50 mind regeneration / fill 67 / 9 min. 18 sec.
Vegeparsine +98 Melee Defense / fill 29 / 14 min. 48 sec.

If you take the base buff with enough lead time to digest add:

Gruuvan Sheal:+ 210 Health +200 Health regeneration fill 32 for 18 minutes and 12 seconds
You get: 995/1205 Health (well over 4K Health), 200%/400% Health regeneration 673% Action regeneration, 260% mind regeneration.

The offical Guild is at theis address

kopiruju almychum post, jemu patri diky, ze ho nasel:

zradlo po CU - co to umi + pro kuchtiky i co je potreba za suroviny a vliv vlastnosti surovin pri vyrobe


Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>

Edited by - JerzeeG on 07/07/2005 14:05:36
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4364 Posts

Posted - 07/07/2005 :  14:13:05  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote

odkaz na officialni forum, kde je pekny detailni prehled vsech zbrani:


+ strucny prehled zde:

Weapon Certifications

CL 1 - CDEF Pistol
Cl 1 - CorSec CDEF Pistol
CL 6 - D18 Pistol
CL 7 - DL44 Pistol
CL 10 - Scout Blaster
CL 12 - DL44 Metal Pistol (Master Marksman)
CL 14 - Scatter Pistol (Novice Bounty Hunter)
CL 14 - Striker Pistol
CL 22 - DH17 Pistol
CL 22 - Jawa Ion Pistol
CL 30 - Geonosian Sonic Blaster
CL 30 - Tangle Pistol
CL 40 - Death-Hammer Pistol
CL 40 - Flare Pistol (Squad Leader: Strategy III)
CL 40 - Power5 Pistol
CL 40 - SR Combat Pistol
CL 50 - Flechette Pistol
CL 50 - Ion Stunner
CL 54 - Alliance Distruptor (Master Combat Medic)
CL 54 - DE-10 Pistol
CL 54 - Deathtrain D-50 (Master Pistoleer or Master BH)
CL 54 - DL44 XT Pistol
CL 54 - DX2 Pistol (Master Pistoleer)
CL 54 - FWG5 Pistol
CL 54 - High Capacity Scatter Pistol (Master Bounty Hunter)
CL 54 - Intimidator Pistol (Master Squad Leader)
CL 54 - Kashyyyk Stalker
CL 54 - KYD21 (Master Pistoleer)
CL 54 - Modified Republic Blaster (Master Pistoleer)
CL 54 - Renegade Pistol (Master Smuggler)
CL 54 - Trandoshan Suppressor (Master Pistoleer)
CL 54 - UR-G8

CL 1 - CDEF Carbine
CL 1 - CorSec CDEF Carbine
CL 6 - DH17 Carbine
CL 10 - DH17 Short Carbine
CL 14 - E11 Carbine
CL 22 - EE3 Carbine
CL 30 - Alliance Needler Carbine
CL 30 - Geonosian Sonic Carbine
CL 40 - Bothan Bola Carbine
CL 40 - DXR6 Carbine (Also requires Heavy Incenidary Weapons III)
CL 50 - Czerka Dart Carbine (Bounty Hunter Carbines IV)
CL 50 - Laser Carbine
CL 50 - Nym's Slugthrower Carbine
CL 54 - DC15 Carbine
CL 54 - E5 Carbine (Master Squad Leader)
CL 54 - E11 Mark II Carbine (Master Carbineer)
Cl 54 - Elite Carbine
CL 54 - Proton Carbine (Master Bounty Hunter)

CL 1 - CDEF Rifle
CL 6 - DLT20 Rifle
CL 7 - DLT20a Rifle
CL 10 - SG82 Rifle
CL 14 - Lightning Rifle
CL 14 - Spraystick (Master Rifleman)
CL 22 - E11 Rifle
CL 22 - Heavy Acid Rifle (Heavy Acid Weapons I)
CL 30 - Beam Rifle
CL 30 - Massassi Ink Rifle
CL 40 - Berserker Rifle
CL 40 - Light Laser Rifle
CL 40 - Tenloss DXR-6b Rifle (Novice Rifleman)
CL 40 - Tusken Rifle (Master Commando, reportedly bugged)
CL 50 - Explosive Shell Sniper Rifle
CL 50 - Jawa Ion Rifle
CL 50 - LD-1 Rifle
CL 54 - Advanced Laser Rifle
CL 54 - DC15 Rifle
CL 54 - Proton Rifle
Cl 54 - T21 Rifle

Heavy Weapons:
CL 1 - C12 Fragmentation Grenade
CL 14 - Fragmentation Grenade (Novice Commando)
CL 14 - Laucher Pistol (Novice Commando)
CL 22 - Cryoban Grenade (Commando: Explosives I)
CL 22 - Rocket Launcher (Commando: Heavy Incenidary Weapons I)
CL 30 - Glop Grenade (Commando: Explosives II)
CL 30 - Heavy Particle Beam Cannon (Commando: Heavy Beam Weapons II)
CL 30 - Light Lightning Canon (Novice Bounty Hunter)
CL 30 - Zicx Bug Bomb (Commando: Explosives II)
CL 40 - Acid Stream Launcher (Commando: Heavy Acid Weapons III)
CL 40 - Flame Thrower (Commando: Heavy Incenidary Weapons III)
CL 40 - Imperial Detonator (Commando: Explosives III)
CL 50 - Lightning Beam Cannon (Commando: Heavy Weapons IV)
CL 50 - Thermal Detonator (Commando: Explosives IV)
CL 54 - Plasma Flame Thrower (Master Commando)

Bowcasters (Wookiees only):
CL 1 - Light Bowcaster
CL 10 - Recon Bowcaster
CL 54 - Assault Bowcaster

Melee Weapons:
CL 1 - Axe
CL 1 - Donkuwa Knife
CL 1 - Junta Knife
CL 1 - Stone Knife
CL 1 - Survival Knife
CL 1 - Wood Staff
CL 6 - Gammorean Battleaxe
CL 6 - Janta Staff
CL 6 - Reinforced Combat Staff
CL 6 - Sword
CL 6 - Two-Handed Axe
CL 7 - Metal Staff
CL 10 - Two-Handed Cleaver
CL 10 - Jagged Vibroblade
CL 10 - Vibroblade
CL 12 - Grooved Two-Handed Sword
CL 12 - Two-Handed Curved Sword
CL 14 - Curved Sword
CL 14 - Gaderffi Baton
CL 14 - Lance
CL 14 - Massassi Knuckler
CL 14 - Vibro Knuckler (Teras Kasi Novice)
CL 22 - Kaminoan Lance
CL 22 - Nyax Sword
CL 22 - Rantok Sword
CL 22 - Two-Handed Kashyyyk Sword
CL 30 - Black Sun Executioner's Hack
CL 30 - Cryo Lance
CL 30 - Junti Mace Sword
CL 30 - Marauder Sword
CL 30 - Nightsister Lance
CL 30 - Shock Lance
CL 40 - Blaster Fist
CL 40 - Electric Polearm
CL 40 - Curved Nyax Sword
CL 40 - Long Vibro Axe
CL 40 - Razor Fist (Teras Kasi Master)
CL 50 - Kashyyyk Bladestick
CL 50 - Massassi Sword
CL 50 - Scythe Blade (Swordsman: Sword Finesse IV)
CL 50 - Two-Handed Sith Sword
CL 54 - Acid Sword
CL 54 - Massassi Lance (ALSO requires Master Pikeman) b>
CL 54 - Power Hammer (Master Swordsman)
CL 54 - Stun Baton (Master Fencer)
CL 54 - Vibro Lance

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>
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4364 Posts

Posted - 07/07/2005 :  16:34:33  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote

pro prihlaseni do frakce je nutne nasbirat 200 frakcnich bodu (faction points - FP) a ty pak zustavaji jako zakladni minimum, takze na kazdou dalsi hodnost je treba ziskat prislusny pocet bodu navic, za ktere se hodnost "koupi" - celkem az na colonela tedy 200 + 46000 FP

Private (200)
Lance Corporal (+400)
Corporal (+800)
Staff Corporal (+1200)
Sergeant (+1600)
Staff Sergeant (+2000)
Master Sergeant (+2500)
Warrant Officer II (+3000)
Warrant Officer I (+3500)
Second Lieutenant (+4000)
Lieutenant (+5000)
Captain (+5000)
Major (+5500)
Lieutenant Colonel (+5500)
Colonel (+6000)

pozn.1: takhle to je u imperia, ale predpokladam, ze rebelske budou stejne
pozn.2: plati pro humana, je mozne, ze jine rasy maji u imperia postih

a tohle jsem vyhrabal na official foru:

Rank | Cost | FP Cap (maximum bodu, co muze mit) | /delegate ratio (cena za prevod na jineho hrace prikazem /delegatefaction)

Minimum to join | 200 | 1,000 | 10.0:1 (Costs 1000 to send 100)
Private | 0 | 1,000 | 6.67:1 (Costs 667 to send 100)
Lance Corporal | 400 | 8,000 | 5.0:1 (Costs 5000 to send 1000)
Corporal | 800 | 16,000 | 4.0:1 (Costs 4000 to send 1000)
Staff Corporal | 1,200 | 24,000 | 3.334:1 (Costs 3334 to send 1000)
Sergeant | 1,600 | 36,000 | 2.858:1 (Costs 2858 to send 1000)
Staff Sergeant | 2,000 | 40,000 | 2.50:1 (Costs 2500 to send 1000)
Master Sergeant | 2,500 | 50,000 | 2.223:1 (Costs 2223 to send 1000)
Warrant Officer II | 3,000 | 60,000 | 2.0:1 (Costs 2000 to send 1000)
Warrant Officer I | 3,500 | 70,000 | 1.819:1 (Costs 1819 to send 1000)
Second Lieutenant | 4,000 | 80,000 | 1.667:1 (Costs 1667 to send 1000)
First Lieutenant | 5,000 | 100,000 | 1.539:1 (Costs 1539 to send 1000)
Army Captain | 5,000 | 100,000 | 1.429:1 (Costs 1429 to send 1000)
Major | 5,500 | 110,000 | 1.334:1 (Costs 1334 to send 1000)
Lieutenant Colonel | 5,500 | 110,000 | 1.25:1 (Costs 1250 to send 1000)
Colonel | 6,000 | 120,000 | 1.177:1 (Costs 1177 to send 1000)

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>

Edited by - JerzeeG on 22/08/2005 13:56:07
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342 Posts

Posted - 14/07/2005 :  14:27:34  Show Profile  Send erdisk an ICQ Message Send erdisk a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Ako sa dá zlepšiť armor a zbrane, aké komponenty na to smugler potrebuje (ktoré predáte drahšie a ktoré lacnejšie)


Edited by - JerzeeG on 22/08/2005 13:56:36
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4364 Posts

Posted - 22/08/2005 :  13:40:01  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Both PvP Bases and PvE bases can be destroyed in the same way. The only difference is that only Special Forces players may enter a PvP Base in order to shut it down. Also, powerful NPC's inside PvP Bases will make destroying the base a bit difficult, in addition to any opposing players present. To enter an opposing faction base all turrets have to be destroyed first.

Enemy bases can be removed from the galaxy by disabling them. To do so, your side must do the following:

Jam the Uplink Terminal
(requires Bounty Hunter: Investigation II)

* You will be asked to guess a bandwidth between 1 and 10. After guessing a number, you will be told if the actual value is above or below your guess. Simply follow the messages to find the exact value.
* To solve this stage in the shortest amount of time, start by picking 5. If you are told higher, choose 8; if lower, choose 2. At most, following this technique will require 4 guesses. Computer programmers will recognize this technique as a binary search (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search).
* Occasionally the terminal will be slightly bugged. You might pick 5 and be told to go higher, pick 6 and told to go lower. Just follow the instructions in this case.

Slice the Security Terminal
(requires Smuggler, Slicing I: Terminals)

* Smuggler is given a standard slicing interface, tools are no longer needed since Publish 19.
* You can no longer fail the slice attempt. (From current experience)
* This step is sometimes bugged. You may find that slicing the wire reported by your clamp does nothing. In this case, the base will be bugged and invulnerable to takedowns for 48 hours/ server reset.Still true/relevant?
* BUG: Sometimes the security (smuggler) terminal doesn't spawn, in which case the smuggler isn't needed for that particular base. - Thx to Fanjita from SOE Forum [1] (http://forums.station.sony.com/swg/board/message?board.id=squad_leader&message.id=23591#M23591)

DNA sequence the Override Terminal
(requires Novice Bio-Engineer)

* This step requires you match a series of three-letter DNA sequences with their corresponding base pairs.
* Don't worry, a degree is biology isn't required here. You just need to remember which letters pair with each other. A and T are paired, as are C and G. That is, if you're given an ATG as a sequence, you will need to match it with TAC.
* You will be given one three-letter sequence (eight-letter as Master Bio-Engineer) at a time. The simplest way to proceed is to find the letter which matches the first code in the sequence, using the rule above. You will need to achieve 23 matches in this manner to complete this slice.
* To speed up this process, you should consider matching the entire equence at once.
o In the list of codes available to use as a match, look for all letters which matches the first letter in the given sequence. Then look at the two letters which follow these first matches; search for letters which match the corresponding letters in the sequence.
o For example, if your sequence is GCA, you should look first for all C's. Then check if any of the C's are followed by a G and T; selecting this letter will grant you 3 matches instead of one!
o You don't have to match all three letters, either. If your sequence is AGT but you can't select a T to start, you should look to match the GT by finding any letter that is followed by a C and an A, which will grant two matches.
* Each time you use a letter in a match, it will be replaced with a two-letter pair. This pair cannot be used in matching sequences.
* If you're given a sequence you cannot match, simply select a two-letter pair and move on to the next sequence.
* Tip: The overrider terminal can be sliced by several Bio-Engineers at once being able to race each other. The advantage is that in case of an attack not necessarily both Bio-Engineers being aggroed, thus one might be able to continue to slice.

Switch alignment of the Power Regulator
(requires Commando, Heavy Beam Weapons I)

* This is a common mini-game that requires you change eight switches so that they are either all "on" or all "off." Do so by clicking a switch; this will change the status of one or more other switches.
* You've probably solved a similar problem in the past. Random clicking usually works fairly well, but paying attention to patterns will speed this up.

Activate overload at HQ terminal
(requires Novice Squad Leader)

* This step requires no other interaction from the player. Just use the radial menu!
* The shutdown timer is 10 minutes for a Novice Squad Leader and 9 minutes for a Master Squad Leader.
* Nothing can stop the shutdown on a PvE/ combatant base.

Preventing a shutdown/restarting a shutdown

* For defending faction only on S.F. bases: Prevent the S.F. HQ from "shutdown," which can be activated by any defending S.F. player on the S.F HQ terminal.
* If the defenders are successful in the shutdown, there is a 5 minute "reboot sequence" before you can attempt step 5 again.

Based on an entry from the Star Wars Galaxies Manual.

Notes and Guides

* Each step does not necessarily have to be completed by different players. For example, a Bounty Hunter/Smuggler could do the first two steps, while other players do the others.
* After each slice NPC will spawn to hinder the players on further slices. They can not stop or prevent a slice or the shutdown sequence.
* Players do not have to be declared (Special Forces) in order to attempt to destroy a PvE/combatant Base.
* PvP Bases can be destroyed only while vulnerable. Vulnerability times will be for three hours, every two days (48 hours).
* PvE Bases are always vulnerable.

Everything confirmed for Publish 17, with Publish 18 S.F. bases will not be able to have turrets anymore. Any existing turrets will be removed.

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>

Edited by - JerzeeG on 22/08/2005 14:01:43
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