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Average Member

1185 Posts |
Posted - 04/12/2009 : 09:15:01
Patch 1.100 jste jistě četli. Zajímavé jsou ceny dračích dropů. Pokud zůstanou tak, jak jsou na Pendragonu, lze imho počítat s dragon věcmi jako relativně common, usólovatelnou výbavou, bo:
Dragon Scale drop: Every purple drops 3. Every mob that cons, greens included, usually drop 1. Yellow-Red drop 1-3, randomly.
Dragon Scale Prices (Hibernia) and New Dragon Mythirian Values
WEAPONS Bruadar Speal (100) Destroyer of Dreams (125) Azure's Folly (150) Fine Steel Long Sword (175) Soul Glimmer (175) Azure Crusher (125) Cuuldurach's Corruption (150) Gloom Warder's Spear (125) Ghostly Great Falcata (125) Dreamcrusher Gauntlets (125) Staff of Torments (125) Dirge of Sheeroe Hills (125) Cuuldurach's Fang (125) Spectral Great Falcata (125)
ARMOR/SHIELDS Buckler of Crystalline Mist (175) Shield of Tornadic Fury (100) Protector of Weary Souls (175) Black Velvet-lined Armguards (125) Blue Suede Boots (125) Semi-etheral Robe (175) Veil-Touched Hauberk (175) Vest of the Veil Warder (125) Jerkin of Ghostly Soul (125) Gauntlets of the Veil (100) Cloth Cap (200) Moss Covered Robes (100) Bloody Suede Boots (125) Netherworldy Scale Hauberk (175)
RINGS Ring of Tarka'oz (200) Ring of the Azure (200) Glimmer Spirit Band (100) Shadowstrike Ring (100) Glimmer Striker Ring (100) Shadow Ring (100)
NECKLACES Entwined Silken Strand (100) Sorcerous Deathwatcher Chain (150) Potent Deathwatcher Chain (175) Empathic Deathwatcher Chain (150)
BRACERS Deathshadow Bracer (200) Warshadow Bracer (200) Glimmer Spirit Trammel (100) Glimmershade Bracer (200) Fiosrach Sgath Bracer (100) Fairich Sgath Bracer (100)
JEWELS Celestial Gem of the Sky (100) Potent Gem of the Sky (125) Ethereal Gem of the Sky (100) Netherworld Flower (125)
CLOAKS Glimmer Spirit Cloak (200) Lurid Mantle (100)
MISC ITEMS Draconic Essence Stone (100) Draconic Sanguine Stone (250) Luminescent Experise Stone (25) Luminescent Exeregum Stone (25) Cuuldurach's Remains (250) Cuuldurach's Glimmering Remains (1000) Golestandt's Remains (500) Gjalpinulva's Remains (500)
MYTHIRIAN'S (Bind on Equip) (Bonus Level 50) To complete the quest Kill any of the Great Dragons (Cuuldurach, Myrddraxis, Zulrathuul, Draco)
Dragon Hoarder -Mythical Coin: 3 -Mythical Realm Point: 3 -3% Bonus to all bounty points earned -3% Bonus to all experience earned
Dragon Power -Mythical Endurance Regen: 1 -Mythical Power Regen: 5 -Mythical Health Regen: 20 -Mythical Resurrection Sickenss Reduction: 50
Dragon Physical Defence -Mythical Physical Defence: 1 -Mythical Resist and Cap Increase Thrust: 3 -Mythical Resist and Cap Increase Slash: 3 -Mythical Resist and Cap Increase Crush: 3
Dragon Elemental Defence -Mythical Physical Defence: 1 -Mythical Resist and Cap Increase Heat: 3 -Mythical Resist and Cap Increase Cold: 3 -Mythical Resist and Cap Increase Matter: 3
Dragon Magical Defence -Mythical Physical Defence: 1 -Mythical Resist and Cap Increase Spirit: 3 -Mythical Resist and Cap Increase Body 3 -Mythical Resist and Cap Increase Energy: 3
Dragon Strength -Mythical Parry: 3 -Mythical Block: 3 -Mythical Stat and Cap Increase Constitution: 3 -Mythical Stat and Cap Increase Strength: 3 -Mythical Stat and Cap Increase Dexterity: 3
Dragon Intellect -Mythical Spell Increase: 3 -Mythical Stat and Cap Increase Constitution: 3 -Mythical Stat and Cap Increase Acuity: 3 -Mythical Stat and Cap Increase Dexterity: 3 -Arcane Siphon: 5%
Dragon Movement -This Mythirian allows you to breath under water -Mythical Crowd Control Duration Decrease: 3 -Mythical Safe Fall: 30 -Mythical Encumbrance: 40
[online] family Nathal Tameisha tamer - EU - Black Desert Online [offline] Nathal Asthma berserker - Mordred PvP - Dark Age of Camelot [offline] Johanka cleric - UO Darkparadise |
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New Member

305 Posts |
Posted - 04/12/2009 : 09:59:22
Jestli jsem to dobre pochopil, tak od noveho patche pujdou kupovat ML kredity a artefakty za atlantean glass - to by mohlo byt zajimave, i kdyz vzhledem k tomu ze budou tradeable je asi s open bg na farmovani konec |
Advanced Member

814 Posts |
Posted - 04/12/2009 : 20:04:47
V pohode ja mam 50tku huntu  |
RL Fishing |
mad kobold
1603 Posts |
Posted - 08/12/2009 : 10:53:42
mozna si skopirujem sve super turbo chary z mordredu na ywain ;)
nahrada mordredu:
For those of you who are resistant, would you be more willing to entertain this idea if some of the battle grounds were converted in to free-for-all pvp areas (basically Mordred rules)?
UO - Yennefer, Jasra (DP) DAoC - Yenn, Yiyiy, Corwin,
Edited by - Yennefer on 08/12/2009 10:56:37 |

2784 Posts |
Posted - 08/12/2009 : 11:53:06
zajimave, ted sem to prelouskal. Buh vi co z toho vyleze. kazdopadne se bojim ze charcopy ywain-mord by rozmnelnil lidi a zabil hru. Takze to vidim na copy mord-ywain... Uvidime... |
Dorlas TESO CzH, MdK, ReD, Ragnarok, Pohodari, Multa Nocent UO, SWG, WoW, VG, AoC, DF, EQ2, Rift, Swtor, GW2, Daoc - inactive
mad kobold
1603 Posts |
Posted - 09/12/2009 : 13:14:48
lori mythic:
I've read all of the feedback. Some of you were extremely excited about the prospect of transferring. Others clearly stated that you would quit playing if we did open up transfers. Looking at the amount of risk that goes along with supporting the transfers coupled with the negative feedback (the feedback was almost 50/50 for and against, which made the consideration of Risk the deciding factor), we have decided that the safest solution for us is to go back to the original thought of allowing character copies TO Mordred.
no mame se na co tesit
jestlipak jste poslali taky nekdo feedback ? protoze 50/50 je docela sila, sem si myslel ze hlavne chtej lidi vytahnout ven z mordu ty zabity chary
osobne jsem pro xfer charu z mordredu pak pripadnej reset mordredu s fixnutejma vecma ktery vsechny palej a pak copy z ywainu pro vsechny... |
UO - Yennefer, Jasra (DP) DAoC - Yenn, Yiyiy, Corwin,
Edited by - Yennefer on 09/12/2009 13:15:27 |

2784 Posts |
Posted - 09/12/2009 : 14:54:27
hmmmmm mno uvidime, povoleni kopirovani na mordred je super. Ale jak sem uz nekolikrat rekl, bylo by blbe aby nam vznikli dva prazdne servery misto jednoho plneho... |
Dorlas TESO CzH, MdK, ReD, Ragnarok, Pohodari, Multa Nocent UO, SWG, WoW, VG, AoC, DF, EQ2, Rift, Swtor, GW2, Daoc - inactive
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