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Posted - 31/10/2007 :  13:20:30  Show Profile  Visit spajdr's Homepage  Send spajdr an ICQ Message Send spajdr a Private Message  Reply with Quote


Q: Is Hellgate: London free to play online, or must players pay a subscription fee?

A: Hellgate: London is completely free to play online, right out of the box. Players can enjoy the complete content and experience of the single-player game in a secure, massively multiplayer online setting with their friends. And all for FREE!

Q: What else can players do online for free?

A: Players also have access to a host of multiplayer options and game modes that are exclusively designed for our online players:

Hosted Game Play
All characters are stored on our servers and play through our secure online infrastructure. This includes secure game and character databases, game servers, character back-up and storage, access to the online customer service system and ongoing security and game play patches.

Nightmare Difficulty
This advanced difficulty option is unlocked by completing the storyline of the game. Characters can progress through the main storyline and associated side quests again at a higher level of difficulty while having the chance to gain more levels of experience and find new types of items. Once Nightmare Difficulty is unlocked, that character may elect to play in Nightmare through a toggle in the character selection screen.

Elite Mode
This advanced game mode is unlocked by completing the storyline of the game. The demons are tougher, deal out more damage, move faster, travel in larger groups, and have more champions at the ready. Once Elite Mode is unlocked, new characters may be designated as Elite through a toggle in the character creation screen.

Player vs. Player Modes
Players can Duel or elect to play in a Free-for-all PvP setting. Dueling consists of two players mutually consenting to fight one another in a private setting. Free-for-all play allows up to five (5) characters to engage in a battle-royale to see who can be the last man (or woman) standing!

These are long-term goals that can take days, weeks, or months to accomplish. Players start with a few new goals in their Achievement Log and can unlock more as they play.

Guilds allow players to better communicate and more easily group with their friends, as well as giving them a recognized place in the community. Guilds have their own private chat channels and names. More ways to recognize guild members will follow in upcoming content patches.

Buddy Lists
Players can create and maintain a sortable list of their friends. This allows them to easily see when they are online and makes communicating with them easier through the buddy chat system.

Q: If I get all these features free with the game, why should I subscribe?

A: A large portion of the Hellgate: London development team is constantly creating new ongoing content. The core idea behind offering a subscription membership is to have the ability to create all-new content so that the Hellgate: London play experience and world can keep growing quickly and constantly. This content will both add to what exists in the game as well as introduce entirely new elements of play. If you want more, and you want it now, you’ll want to become a subscribing member.

Q: What do subscribers get right away?

A: Subscribers get access to both themed and persistent features right from the start:

Hardcore Mode
Characters have one life, and ONLY one life, to give for the cause. There is no resurrecting your downed hero in Hardcore mode, so different tactics, skills and items rule the day. For the gamer that wants the ultimate test, try playing an Elite Hardcore character.

Guild Creation and Management
By purchasing a Guild Herald, a character can form a new guild. Characters can only be part of one guild at a time and should a Guild leader decide to abandon their post, they can pass leadership of the Guild to another subscribing guild member.

Larger Stash
Each character gets an extra 6x8 section in their storage locker, making the hoarding of all sorts of goodies that much easier. Pack rats rejoice!

Additional Character Slots
Create up to 24 characters to test out every possible combination of skills, spells and items. Did you want to make a Guardian that wields twin Spike Bolters and focuses on Anchor just to see if you could do it? Now’s you chance!

Themed Events and Quests
Special storylines, quests, NPCs and events designed to celebrate special seasons or provide different themed challenges. Some of these take place every so often while other only happen at a specific time of year.

Unique Event Items
Special times mean special rewards! Seasonal events have rewards that are tied to the theme of the celebration. These can be anything from unique pieces of equipment to rare properties to consumable goodies that affect your character and much more!

Special Event Pets
Everyone likes to have a friend along when adventuring in the dangerous, devastated streets of London. Sometimes very special pets will be available for purchase or to be earned through quests. Impress your friends with a rare minion of your very own.

Themed and seasonal events are happening from day one in the game. They don’t stick around forever, so players should always be on the lookout for something new and exciting that’s happening in Hellgate: London. For a list of events running right now or in the near future, please check the Hellgate: London website.

Q: What new content will I see with my subscription?

A: A lot! The list of features being created is long, and we’ll keep people informed on what’s coming in content patches via the Hellgate: London website and the game. Here is a sample of what players with a Hellgate: London subscription membership can expect to see in future patches:

* New Levels to Explore
* New Monsters
* New Weapons
* New Skills and Spells
* New Quests and Storyline
* New Character Classes
* Raid-Level Areas
* Seasonal / Themed Events and Items
* Additional Difficulty and Game Play Modes
* Additional PvP Modes and Rewards
* Achievement Rewards
* Advanced Guild Management Tools
* Web-based Rankings and Character Viewing

Q: How often will Flagship offer ongoing content updates for subscribers?

A: We intend to offer large-scale content pushes on an approximate quarterly basis. These content updates will offer a wide variety of new experiences that are designed to make a substantive addition to the game. Smaller-scale updates that include addressing known issues and game play balance will occur more frequently and will be available for all players.

Q: Can players bring their single-player characters online?

A: Unfortunately, players will need to create separate characters for online play. We strive to provide our online players a safe, secure environment. One of the ways we ensure that integrity is by not importing unverifiable character data from unknown sources.

Q: How much is a subscription? Are there going to be a monthly, yearly, and lifetime fee options?

A: Gaining access to all of the continuing content costs just US$9.99 per month. Prices are slightly different depending on what country you play from, so check our Billing FAQ for more information.

There are different fee structures for longer-term subscription memberships. These are listed on your account management page in the billing section.

Q: Can players suspend their subscription membership at any time?

A: Yes. There are some consequences, of course. Items associated with ongoing content may become unusable, adventure areas beyond the initial game will be unreachable, characters in slots beyond the standard number will be unavailable, and items stored in the extra stash space will be inaccessible. All standard content and areas remain fully playable, and you don’t lose the items or characters that are associated with your subscription. These are all fully restored upon reactivation of your subscription.

Q: Can I just subscribe when there is a new content update or event?

A: The choice of when to subscribe and unsubscribe is completely up to our players. We understand that a variety of things can come up that would cause players to choose to suspend their subscription. We have made the process as painless as possible.

Q: Is there a “free trial period” for players?

A: If you think of Hellgate: London as strictly an MMORPG, the entire game is a “free trial period.” So, players have plenty of time to decide if they want even more from their game experience before having to make any subscription decisions.

Q: Is subscription content “better” than free content?

A: Item drops are keyed to the level of the monsters dropping them, and rarely, certain specific drops are keyed to specific monsters or areas. All the initial items in the game will be available to all players. As part of our ongoing content, new monsters and items will be introduced into both existing and new areas. These items are not designed to be “better”, per se, but they may have different properties, looks, and uses than standard items. The idea is to offer more experiences for our subscription members while not minimizing the status of equivalent-level free characters.

Q: How “massive” is the multiplayer online world for Hellgate: London? How many players will I get to interact with at one time?

A: The number of players you interact with depends on where you are in the world and what you are doing. You can be a solo adventurer or play in a party of up to five members. You can also maintain larger circles of friends and guild mates, mingling with anywhere from dozens to hundreds of characters in the largest Underground stations. You can also interact with tens of thousands of players via auction houses and worldwide social structures.



3400 Posts

Posted - 08/11/2007 :  19:13:15  Show Profile  Visit spajdr's Homepage  Send spajdr an ICQ Message Send spajdr a Private Message  Reply with Quote
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